Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Micah has been VERY fussy lately and drool y so I decided to put my finger in his mouth to see if he was indeed teething or not since he does everything else early I figured I'd check it out. He's not only teething I can SEE a tooth but it's not coming out normally, it's coming out of the top right gum horizontally instead of vertically. FOR ALL OF YOU GRANDMA's reading WHAT DO I DO? I gave him baby ambesol and motrin for the pain. My poor baby tho I feel so bad for him.

Continued.... So tonight I went and bought some baby orajel and teething tablets for my little guy and tonight we decided to wake him up before we went to sleep to feed him and give him some more pain relievers so he'll sleep through the night. I gave him some Tylenol for his fever and then gave him his bottle to wash it down and I thought before he completely falls asleep again I'll give him the night time orajel so I pull out the bottle and rub some on his gums and he gives me this nasty look and reaches for the bottle again so I give it back to him and he can't figure out how to suck on it because his WHOLE mouth is numb. It was the funniest thing ever, I know I shouldn't laugh at my child's mis fortunes but I thought it was funny that one I didn't think it would completely numb his mouth and 2 he was trying so hard and it looked like he'd never had a bottle before. Eventually he figured it out but i just had to post about it before it completely slipped my mind tomorrow.


bryanandnicole said...

Oh my gosh really? That is so crazy. My 5 month old isn't teething yet. We thought he was and we were using baby orajel on him and it turned out he wasn't. he has been drooling for about 2.5 months though. I keep waiting for a tooth.

The Haifley Family said...

Hey! We had a great Christmas! Hope you did too! Your baby is cute! Isn't it amazing? Looks like you are doing great!