We had Thanksgiving 1 on Thanksgiving with my Grandma and Step Grandpa and of course my brother and his family and my parents and Aunt Tricia and Craig. We had Thanksgiving again the next day with Grandpa Tom and Gran.
It was really nice to see family again and just have some relaxing days with Tom.
As Always Taylor, Jake and Alex this time loved playing with Uncle Tom. Alex decided to warm up to Tom this time, probably because he was a some what familiar face in the midst of the huge crowd of people. Micah was passed around like a hot potato as always but for the most part did pretty good with all of it. I played Mexican Train with Taylor, dad and Jodi. Tom said we should've had a video camera trying to figure out the rules from a 6 year old, it was quite the experience but still pretty fun. Tom and I were able to go on a shopping date and we got Micah first Christmas ornament so that was exciting. Tom and I both growing up got a Christmas ornament every year for Christmas so we were very excited to continue the tradition with Micah this year. We also put our tree up together and were able to get our old ornaments from our parents so that was fun and interesting because neither of us are very good with garland. We are very excited to have our first Christmas as a Married couple and as a family.
Micah went in for his 2 month check up yesturday I can't believe he is almost 10 weeks old. Time just flies by. He is 10lbs 5.5 ounces and 22 1/4 inches. He is growing so much and so fast. His doctor came in and checked on him even tho the appt. wasn't with her, but she said that he sounded great and it's possible that he's peaked with the Laryngo Malasia and could be getting better so were hoping that's the case. They also said he is doing the same things that a 4 month old does, hopefully that doesn't mean crawling and walking early too, I'm not quite ready for him to be mobile just yet. However I can't wait until he starts laughing, it just brightens my day to see him smile at me so I can only imagine hearing him laugh.
He is starting to pick his favorite people, Sunday he wanted daddy and only daddy and he loves both of his grandpas. I hope he doesn't become to picky because there are alot of people that like to see him and hold him.
Tom and i will married for 6 months on the 14th. It seems like it's been a lot longer than that, we've had our problems and things have been stressful at times, but we really couldn't be happier we have a nice little house and a beautiful baby boy, so life is just grand.
Micah and Grandpa Tom
Micah with Bonnie
Jakey feeding Micah
Me and Eric
the table with everyone
1 comment:
Did you read my blog? We also played Mexican train on Thanksgiving. very fun game. Isn't is so fun enjoying all your baby's firsts with him. I love it!!! And he is gonna start laughing before you know it!
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