Yesterday we decided it would be a good time to make Ginger Bread houses so Gloria went and got the stuff and the process began.

We made the Frosting and the bases and began our complicated(on my part) ginger bread house making.

Paul joined the game late due to taking care of Micah but quickly caught up.

The sorry looking house on the right is mine and that was as far as I got since about 10 mins later the entire house calapsed.

Tom took the prize for using the most Gram crackers.

Becca had an interesting technique of biting each piece to her desired dimensions.

Gloria is very hard at work trying to catch up because she too was doing her Grandmotherly duties.

This is Paul's finished product he explained that it was not a house but a Christmas Stage in the middle of a holiday performance, he decided to add decorations to it to make it really stand out.

Becca in the process of making her master piece one bite at a time.

Tom and I's, We decided to join forces since my house was a disaster and he didn't know what to do to decorate his. Our Christmas tree had a gummy bear on the top and Tom informed me that he had pooped.

I finally took over and put Christmas lights made out of colored cereal puffs, each one color coordinated of course, I say that because earlies this week when Tom was putting up Christmas lights that I bought to many of ( He told me he needed another strand for the top of the tree and I thought I bought 300 not 900 so he decided to decorate our arch in our living room with them as well) I of course sat there staring at them one day and saw that they were not in color order so being my lovely husband that he is fixed every last one of them for me.

Ginger Bread Town, I bet your wondering what the title of this blog mean't, well if you look closely at Becca's house on the far left you will see little green patches in the snow. Tom told her she needed some leaves and proceeded to get the Oregano out of the cupboard and sprinkle it all over Becca's master piece, so instead of lovely essences of sugar we now had the not so lovely Essence of Oregano and Sugar.
We ended the night Becca and I sitting on the couch talking about our crazy night while listening the sounds of Christmas at the Kugler house. Julie Andrews singing beautifully on the television with Country music and a deep voice booming from the office singing along.
Well that was the beginning of the season for us, I hope yours is as fun but not as smelly
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