Today I was sitting in my house as per usual and decided just maybe I should get out the stroller I insisted on having and actually use it what a concept.
My sister encouraged me I mean if she can go on a 2 hour walk with 3 boys I can surely put my little bundle of joy in the stroller for a trip around the block.
I did it we went for a lovely walk. I thought for sure Micah would go to sleep but of course he wanted to check out the scenery, I guess that works too, no fussing mom is happy.
SO for all of you doubters I went on a walk ALL BY MYSELF and had fun i think I just might make it a daily routine.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Micah has been VERY fussy lately and drool y so I decided to put my finger in his mouth to see if he was indeed teething or not since he does everything else early I figured I'd check it out. He's not only teething I can SEE a tooth but it's not coming out normally, it's coming out of the top right gum horizontally instead of vertically. FOR ALL OF YOU GRANDMA's reading WHAT DO I DO? I gave him baby ambesol and motrin for the pain. My poor baby tho I feel so bad for him.
Continued.... So tonight I went and bought some baby orajel and teething tablets for my little guy and tonight we decided to wake him up before we went to sleep to feed him and give him some more pain relievers so he'll sleep through the night. I gave him some Tylenol for his fever and then gave him his bottle to wash it down and I thought before he completely falls asleep again I'll give him the night time orajel so I pull out the bottle and rub some on his gums and he gives me this nasty look and reaches for the bottle again so I give it back to him and he can't figure out how to suck on it because his WHOLE mouth is numb. It was the funniest thing ever, I know I shouldn't laugh at my child's mis fortunes but I thought it was funny that one I didn't think it would completely numb his mouth and 2 he was trying so hard and it looked like he'd never had a bottle before. Eventually he figured it out but i just had to post about it before it completely slipped my mind tomorrow.
Continued.... So tonight I went and bought some baby orajel and teething tablets for my little guy and tonight we decided to wake him up before we went to sleep to feed him and give him some more pain relievers so he'll sleep through the night. I gave him some Tylenol for his fever and then gave him his bottle to wash it down and I thought before he completely falls asleep again I'll give him the night time orajel so I pull out the bottle and rub some on his gums and he gives me this nasty look and reaches for the bottle again so I give it back to him and he can't figure out how to suck on it because his WHOLE mouth is numb. It was the funniest thing ever, I know I shouldn't laugh at my child's mis fortunes but I thought it was funny that one I didn't think it would completely numb his mouth and 2 he was trying so hard and it looked like he'd never had a bottle before. Eventually he figured it out but i just had to post about it before it completely slipped my mind tomorrow.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Essence of Oregano and Sugar
Yesterday we decided it would be a good time to make Ginger Bread houses so Gloria went and got the stuff and the process began.

We made the Frosting and the bases and began our complicated(on my part) ginger bread house making.
Paul joined the game late due to taking care of Micah but quickly caught up.
The sorry looking house on the right is mine and that was as far as I got since about 10 mins later the entire house calapsed.
Tom took the prize for using the most Gram crackers.
Becca had an interesting technique of biting each piece to her desired dimensions.
Gloria is very hard at work trying to catch up because she too was doing her Grandmotherly duties.
This is Paul's finished product he explained that it was not a house but a Christmas Stage in the middle of a holiday performance, he decided to add decorations to it to make it really stand out.
Becca in the process of making her master piece one bite at a time.

Tom and I's, We decided to join forces since my house was a disaster and he didn't know what to do to decorate his. Our Christmas tree had a gummy bear on the top and Tom informed me that he had pooped.
I finally took over and put Christmas lights made out of colored cereal puffs, each one color coordinated of course, I say that because earlies this week when Tom was putting up Christmas lights that I bought to many of ( He told me he needed another strand for the top of the tree and I thought I bought 300 not 900 so he decided to decorate our arch in our living room with them as well) I of course sat there staring at them one day and saw that they were not in color order so being my lovely husband that he is fixed every last one of them for me.
Ginger Bread Town, I bet your wondering what the title of this blog mean't, well if you look closely at Becca's house on the far left you will see little green patches in the snow. Tom told her she needed some leaves and proceeded to get the Oregano out of the cupboard and sprinkle it all over Becca's master piece, so instead of lovely essences of sugar we now had the not so lovely Essence of Oregano and Sugar.
We ended the night Becca and I sitting on the couch talking about our crazy night while listening the sounds of Christmas at the Kugler house. Julie Andrews singing beautifully on the television with Country music and a deep voice booming from the office singing along.
Well that was the beginning of the season for us, I hope yours is as fun but not as smelly
We made the Frosting and the bases and began our complicated(on my part) ginger bread house making.
We ended the night Becca and I sitting on the couch talking about our crazy night while listening the sounds of Christmas at the Kugler house. Julie Andrews singing beautifully on the television with Country music and a deep voice booming from the office singing along.
Well that was the beginning of the season for us, I hope yours is as fun but not as smelly
Little Hands
Yesterday Tom was playing with Micah when he got home from work and he decided to see how well Mister Micah holds his head up. He is not only holding his head up he is completely holding his torso up in the air. ( I can't believe my 2 month old can do this he's growing WAY to fast)

We went up to Pueblo to see the Grandparents and Aunt Becca, Grandpa loves holding Micah and tonight Micah and Grandpa watched Westerns together so Cute.

Grandpa alos gave Micah a bottle and Micah grabbed onto his finger so I had to catch a picture of it. His little hands are so tiny compared to Grandpa's finger, it's crazy to think that one day it will be as big as Grandpa's hand, God never ceases to amaze me.

We went up to Pueblo to see the Grandparents and Aunt Becca, Grandpa loves holding Micah and tonight Micah and Grandpa watched Westerns together so Cute.
Grandpa alos gave Micah a bottle and Micah grabbed onto his finger so I had to catch a picture of it. His little hands are so tiny compared to Grandpa's finger, it's crazy to think that one day it will be as big as Grandpa's hand, God never ceases to amaze me.
Friday, December 5, 2008
lay - sit- stand
This morning Tom brought Micah to me in bed because he was up and I was not since Micah woke me up at 5 again. Micah loves to lay on daddy's pillow in the morning as long as mom or dad are paying attention to him. He was laying on it this morning as per his morning ritual and I decided I would give me hands to help him sit up because he just gives the biggest smile ever. Well this morning he decided that sitting up wasn't good enough so he pulled himself to a full on stand. That kid is growing WAY to fast. What happened to my little baby that was perfectly happy to just cuddle, now he wants to stand up and I just know before I know it he'll be crawling the little stinker...
The Pics above are ones I took while talking to Jodi today I told her he looked like Uncle Eric today and those were my proof.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Putting up the tree
Since this is not only Micah's first Christmas but ours as a couple and a family of course more pictures... Tom and I put the tree up and the light and garland while Micah was sleeping one night but he helped us put our ornaments on once I retrieved mine from GJ at our Thanksgiving stay.
Micah was really excited when I let him hold one of my orna
We wake up every morning to a happy and smiley baby it's the greatest thing and no matter what time it is even it's it's 4 o clock in the morning like this morning you can't help but just smile back because it's the Best thing ever.
Micah's first time in the snow
It snowed today for the first time that we were actually home to experience it so of course we had to take Micah out for the first time so he could see if he liked it. The first true time it snowed since he was born was when he was in the Hospital in Denver and since he was in his hospital bed we couldn't take him out in it. There was a lot more of it this morning but I wanted to wait for daddy to come home so the whole family could experience it together. Micah was watching it snow this morning too so I figured it he might like it.
We didn't stay out long because it's COLD but we still had fun and had to put him in the leaf pile that daddy racked up forever ago so he had 2 firsts at the same time.

Tasting snow not very thrilled
We didn't stay out long because it's COLD but we still had fun and had to put him in the leaf pile that daddy racked up forever ago so he had 2 firsts at the same time.
Tasting snow not very thrilled
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Micah's 1st and 2nd Thanksgiving plus more
For those of you that did not attend Thanksgiving take one and take 2 you wouldn't understand the title of this blog.
We had Thanksgiving 1 on Thanksgiving with my Grandma and Step Grandpa and of course my brother and his family and my parents and Aunt Tricia and Craig. We had Thanksgiving again the next day with Grandpa Tom and Gran.
It was really nice to see family again and just have some relaxing days with Tom.
As Always Taylor, Jake and Alex this time loved playing with Uncle Tom. Alex decided to warm up to Tom this time, probably because he was a some what familiar face in the midst of the huge crowd of people. Micah was passed around like a hot potato as always but for the most part did pretty good with all of it. I played Mexican Train with Taylor, dad and Jodi. Tom said we should've had a video camera trying to figure out the rules from a 6 year old, it was quite the experience but still pretty fun. Tom and I were able to go on a shopping date and we got Micah first Christmas ornament so that was exciting. Tom and I both growing up got a Christmas ornament every year for Christmas so we were very excited to continue the tradition with Micah this year. We also put our tree up together and were able to get our old ornaments from our parents so that was fun and interesting because neither of us are very good with garland. We are very excited to have our first Christmas as a Married couple and as a family.
Micah went in for his 2 month check up yesturday I can't believe he is almost 10 weeks old. Time just flies by. He is 10lbs 5.5 ounces and 22 1/4 inches. He is growing so much and so fast. His doctor came in and checked on him even tho the appt. wasn't with her, but she said that he sounded great and it's possible that he's peaked with the Laryngo Malasia and could be getting better so were hoping that's the case. They also said he is doing the same things that a 4 month old does, hopefully that doesn't mean crawling and walking early too, I'm not quite ready for him to be mobile just yet. However I can't wait until he starts laughing, it just brightens my day to see him smile at me so I can only imagine hearing him laugh.
He is starting to pick his favorite people, Sunday he wanted daddy and only daddy and he loves both of his grandpas. I hope he doesn't become to picky because there are alot of people that like to see him and hold him.
Tom and i will married for 6 months on the 14th. It seems like it's been a lot longer than that, we've had our problems and things have been stressful at times, but we really couldn't be happier we have a nice little house and a beautiful baby boy, so life is just grand.

Micah and Grandpa Tom

Micah with Bonnie

Jakey feeding Micah

Me and Eric
Micah sitting at
the table with everyone
We had Thanksgiving 1 on Thanksgiving with my Grandma and Step Grandpa and of course my brother and his family and my parents and Aunt Tricia and Craig. We had Thanksgiving again the next day with Grandpa Tom and Gran.
It was really nice to see family again and just have some relaxing days with Tom.
As Always Taylor, Jake and Alex this time loved playing with Uncle Tom. Alex decided to warm up to Tom this time, probably because he was a some what familiar face in the midst of the huge crowd of people. Micah was passed around like a hot potato as always but for the most part did pretty good with all of it. I played Mexican Train with Taylor, dad and Jodi. Tom said we should've had a video camera trying to figure out the rules from a 6 year old, it was quite the experience but still pretty fun. Tom and I were able to go on a shopping date and we got Micah first Christmas ornament so that was exciting. Tom and I both growing up got a Christmas ornament every year for Christmas so we were very excited to continue the tradition with Micah this year. We also put our tree up together and were able to get our old ornaments from our parents so that was fun and interesting because neither of us are very good with garland. We are very excited to have our first Christmas as a Married couple and as a family.
Micah went in for his 2 month check up yesturday I can't believe he is almost 10 weeks old. Time just flies by. He is 10lbs 5.5 ounces and 22 1/4 inches. He is growing so much and so fast. His doctor came in and checked on him even tho the appt. wasn't with her, but she said that he sounded great and it's possible that he's peaked with the Laryngo Malasia and could be getting better so were hoping that's the case. They also said he is doing the same things that a 4 month old does, hopefully that doesn't mean crawling and walking early too, I'm not quite ready for him to be mobile just yet. However I can't wait until he starts laughing, it just brightens my day to see him smile at me so I can only imagine hearing him laugh.
He is starting to pick his favorite people, Sunday he wanted daddy and only daddy and he loves both of his grandpas. I hope he doesn't become to picky because there are alot of people that like to see him and hold him.
Tom and i will married for 6 months on the 14th. It seems like it's been a lot longer than that, we've had our problems and things have been stressful at times, but we really couldn't be happier we have a nice little house and a beautiful baby boy, so life is just grand.
Micah and Grandpa Tom
Micah with Bonnie
Jakey feeding Micah
Me and Eric
the table with everyone
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Micah and his Coffee
Friday, November 21, 2008
OK eventually I will get the hang of this whole thing but for now I'm posting pics in another blog.

Our Cute Family picture after getting out of the Hospital
Micah's experience with the Nebulizer, he was Not a fan
The Children's Hospital in Denver ( looks like a Mall not a Hospital)
Our First Family Pic about 20 mins after he was born
Me and Micah in the Hospital
Micah's first snow. It snowed while he was in the Hospital so OF Course I had to take a pic and mark the occasion.

Alex and Grandpa Tom
Me and my sisters and pretty much sister ( Aunt Tricia) and of course the little man.
Taylor giving Micah his bottle SOOO cute
Micah's permanent lap when we visit :) and Alex bringing him fire trucks.

Jason Linda and Toby
My little pumpkin
His first best friend Zach
With Daddy at work
Jakey holding him the first time they met
sleeping with Daddy
Aunt Becca dressed him like a thug
first time sun bathing because of his jaundice
My cute parents when they came to visit when Micah was born
Me and Micah the day after we came home
Daddy wanted to take him for a walk the first full day he was home.
Our Cute Family picture after getting out of the Hospital

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