Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sometimes I feel like Micah owns me. this is my interpretation of what he's thinking on a DAILY basis AFTER naptime

I'm sitting on the couch either falling asleep or actually asleep heaven forbid a mom gets a nap in too. And out of the corner of my eye I see a blonde haired blued little boy peeking across the living room, to see if I am indeed paying  attention and what his next course of action should be. If I  am REALLY sleeping ( gasp) He then checks if I've yet again left the kitchen gate ajar and what snack he might be able to sneak. If I am in deed awake he slips back into his room and proceeds to wake up victim number 1 aka Riah and Riah comes out of the room not knowing really what he's doing because he was just rudely awaken from a peaceful slumber, and he comes out almost tripping over his feet trying to find yet another comfy spot to lay back down because nap time just isn't quite over yet. Then once again I see that little blonde haired blue eyed little boy peeking out to see what Riah's results were for leaving the dungeon aka their bedroom. He see's Riah half asleep on the couch and proceeds on his way out thinking he will too be greeted in the same manner of being ignored and not worry that he is up before the end of naptime. and He hears Micah go back to bed and proceeds to run back into his room and make AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE waking up yep you guessed it victim #2 aka baby Jonah. Who he then gets to play the CUTE card by standing in his crib and saying BABY, BABY, BABY, DONE, PLEEEAASSEE, BABY? and I go in and pick up Jonah and he cuddles in and out to the living room we go where Riah is now completely back out and Jonah is resting calmly and then Micah comes running out and jumps on the couch blasting Riah out of his 2nd peaceful slumber and then gets sent right back to bed, where he goes BACK to sleep but only AFTER insuring that both victims are left to ensure that nap time as I know it is indeed OVER for the day SIGH

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