Wednesday, September 16, 2009

July- Sept

We have had a very busy end of summer. Micah and I along with Bumpa and Bonnie went to AZ again to visit Jason and Linda and meet new baby Jolie. Micah wasn't so sure about her because she got a bottle a lot more than he did or so he thought. He loved chasing Toby all over the house tho and having Bumpa and Bonnie's attention.

In Aug we went back to Cheyenne for Tom's cousin Patrick's wedding. Micah was mauled by another baby girl that just wanted lots of kisses from him and since she walked and he didn't she won most of the time.

Micah loves to go to Gpa and Gwah's house to chase the kitties and rock out on his little key board. He is going to be quite the musician we have the feeling. If there's music playing Micah's hips are going too, it's very cute and he's even starting to sing with daddy in the car.

He also LOVES electronic's he was more than happy to help daddy figure out Gwah's new wireless keyboard and he thinks all phones and remotes are for his use to drive around like cars and push buttons.
Like all little boys Micah has had his fair share of bumps and bruises. He got his first fat lip the other day. ( crashed into the hardwood) and then not even a week later he crawled up under neather his high chair and flipped right over the bar giving him his first goose egg. He's normally quite the champ tho and he needs cuddles and some tylenol but then he's off and into everything again in no time.

Labor Day weekend we stuck around the Canon City area because the Doc advised not traveling away anymore until after the baby comes so we took a small day trip to CO Springs and caught the Balloon Glow that night with Autn Carolyn, Josh, Brittney and the boys. Micah LOVED the balloon's he would light up just as much as they did and clap happily everytime they were lit. We will most def be going back next year to see him light up again.

Micah almost made it a whole year without having to get a hair cut. He went from no hair to his hair growing like crazy so we decided it was time. Hopefully we don't have to do it very often tho he's not much for sitting still. He looks lots better now tho thanks to Aunt Carolyn. And of course daddy had to spike his hair when he was all done.

Micah will be 1 next week. I can't even hardly believe it. We went shopping for his presents a few weeks ago and have just about given him everything we got him already, we are such suckers when it comes to him. He also found out where the others are hiding and loves to sneak into mom and dad's room to take a quick preview. Well I figured I should prolly catch everyone up since I'm sure it will take me forever again once the new baby is here which is in 4 weeks.

1 comment:

bryanandnicole said...

Very cute blog I love it. Micha is adorable...Are you getting all ready for baby number two??? Do you have names picked out??