I havn't blogged for almost a whole year, life has been CRAZY busy but I'd like to catch everyone up on the happenings of the Kugler household. We'll start back in April cause that was VERY memorable for us.
On April 12th Tom and I headed to CO Springs after he got off work to check in and see how his mom was doing since she just had surgery that day to remove one of her none working kidneys. She seemed to be doing well and was somewhat able to communicate with us which was a good sign. We headed home that night probably around 11pm was when we picked up our kiddos from Jen's house and went to bed. The next day I had a docs appt so I had another friend Mallory keep the boys so I could go for that because I thought I would be checked being a few days shy of 38 weeks in my pregnancy. I wasn't checked but it was still nice to go alone. I went back to pick up the boys and I was visiting with Mallory when Azariah started acting really strange and Mal said I think he just has a mini seizure. I was concerned but not OVERLY concerned and just thought he was over tired and that we should head home for nap time. I got him in his seat and he was OUT, since the drive home would only be about 5 mins I decided we'd take a drive and bring daddy drink on the hot day. We barely left the drive thru and not only is Riah awake he thrashing and screaming in his seat now, we are about 10 mins from daddy and I already have his drink so I head to him and he immediately takes Riah out of his seat and holds him and Riah is as stiff as a board then he goes limp. I say ok were headed home now I'll put him down for a nap and see how he is later. We get home and I put both boys down for nap time.
Micah goes to sleep NO problem, Riah on the other hand is still crying so after a few minutes I go and pick him up and rock him, he's still not happy so I decide I'll lay down with him in my bed since I needed a nap too. He sleeps for about 5 mins then starts crawling towards me but can't find me, I pick him up and he's STILL looking for me and he starts doing this weird shaking thing like before at Mal's house. I IMMEDIATELY call Tom and say GET HOME NOW I think RIAH just had a seizure. Tom's home in about 15 mins mean while I call his pediatrician and get the nurse and she says take him to Parkview in Pueblo. I call Mallory again and BEG her to keep Micah and she more than willingly says bring him right over. SO we get packed up and drop Micah off and head to CO Springs. We figured since Gloria was already there and they have a better children's wing we'll just go there. Riah Sleeps the ENTIRE way there. We get there and there are about 30 people in front of us GREAT so we are finally checked out by a nurse and she says he has a temp I'm giving him motrin and tylenol and sends us back to the waiting room. Riah wants to get down at this point and play but can't even walk so he just snuggles into daddy. What seemed like an eternity( and this preggo lady is ready to kill the next nurse who takes a kid back that is running around the waiting room when my baby can't even walk) we FINALLY get into a room. Doc comes in and gives us worst case scenario of course FIRST and freaks us out talking about spinal meningitis and things of that nature. Then they call for a bajillion tests and put him on oxygen right away because he was saturating at 70% when he shouldn't be under 90%. The nurse didn't think he needed it and she kept taking it off and he'd drop down again so we just put it back on him and he did fine, he was just laying on the bed lifeless not moving not talking no crying just sucking his fingers and holding his blankey. They took him for numerous tests and then decided to start an IV. The stupid nurse went right for the hand that he was sucking his fingers and tied him down and then tied that arm down he couldn't move it ( I was TICKED to say the least) He gave up pretty much immediately and went back to sleep so I decided I'd step out and find something to eat or drink since it was about midnight by now. I come back and instantly I hear HI MAMA with a HUGE smile on my precious boys face ( I was relieved and shocked) Then the doc comes in and says he'll be staying the night because they don't know what happened and they want to watch him for 24 hours ( that should've been times about 4) So we go upstairs and get into a Room around 3am and meet WONDERFUL and helpful nurses. We got him all settled and he went back to sleep so we decided we'd update the worried family and return about 20 text messages and figure out the next step. We also went away from the hospital and picked up some snacks and medicine since it was FULL swing allergy season and we were miserable. I think we finally got to bed around 5am, I say bed loosely because it was pretty much an extended toddler bed that folded out of a chair. So needless to say we got 0 sleep. The next day we got up and were hopeful that we'd be leaving a few hours later once we saw the doc. NOPE now we are here for a another 2 days minimum, they wanted to do a CT scan and he was still on oxygen so they didn't want to send us home. We were freaking out because Tom was VERY short on PTO and we had an Induction for baby # 3 in less than 2 weeks and wanted to save as much time for that as possible. We went up to see Tom's mom and have lunch with his dad and figure out yet again our next step. It was thursday so we figured if Tom went home that night and worked fri we'd be ok because then he would have the weekend and hopefully by then we'd home... We actually hoping to go home Fri so he was going to leave the van for Riah and I to go home. We call Mal and check in on Micah and he's made himself at home and is loving every minute of hanging out with his friend Haddie and Mal is gracious enough to keep him for us another day and Tom plans to go get him that night and spend some time with him then return him the next day. We also at that time found out that someone from our church was also in the hospital and on the same floor as Gloria so we went to say hi and low and behold Tom finds a ride home with her husband.
The next day they FINALLY come to do the CT scan which consists of Riah needing to hold completely still while they attach about 100 wires to his little head and then continue to NOT touch them for 30 mins while they run the test. He was a trooper and just watched Mickey Mouse and sucked his fingers the whole time. I then think ok we should be headed home now right? WRONG now we have to wait for THOSE test results. So I called Tom and he was already done in for the day so I told him to call Paul and Mal and see if he could catch a ride back with them since they were headed up to bring Micah for a visit and to see another friend. So he got off work and packed me a bag since I was still in the SAME clothes I arrived in and they headed to us. We hoped to get out the next day so we asked a VERY good family friend Darla to keep Micah for one night and figured by the time he came back the next day we'd be headed home this time for SURE. SO she came and got him and kept him for the night and then we went to get him the next day and come back to find a another NEW doc in Riah's room that says we have to stay ANOTHER night. At this time someone also decides to put a HAZARD sign on the outside of the door and make it mandatory that EVERYONE wear masks and gowns and gloves to see Riah. Again they ticked off the preggo lady that with all the stress of being there could give birth at any moment. We freak out because I had been going up and visiting with our friends and with Gloria EVERY day thus far and now they say he's HIGHLY contagious I DON'T THINK SO.
So now completely tapped out on all resources Grandpa Paul steps up and agrees to take a turn with Micah . Tom then convinces me that I too should go to Paul's house and get a shower and sleep in a REAL bed for the night so I reluctantly agree and we head off in that direction as well for a good nights sleep. Sun comes and we were back by about 9am to the hospital and FINALLY we receive the good news that we get to go HOME!!!! YAY Good news ... but the bad news is they STILL don't have his CT scan results and he has to go home on 24/7 oxygen BOOOO. So that was the 17th of April. I also got home that night to find out that MY Doc is DONE working and will NOT be delivering my baby and that I have to pick a new doc.
The week followed with every other day visits to the doc office to check in on Riah because they hospital gave him the WRONG meds and to check on his breathing. On fri I meet my NEW doc and she does a Ultrasound and sees that Jonah is head down and I was at 2 cm and 75% effaced so I should be good to be induced the following Wed.
I went home and just felt WIPED out Tom came home and took the boys to the park across the street and played and then we decided we'd take them to Mcdonalds to play more and eat dinner. I was feeling some contractions off and on but thought nothing of it. We went to bed that night and I fell right to sleep only to be awoken by HORRIBLE contractions at 2am and so I timed them and sure enough every 5-6 minutes so I woke up Tom and said call Jen we need to go to the Hospital NOW. He timed them and said I don't know they are kind of jumping around just go take a bath and relax and try to go to sleep I have to work tomorrow. SO I got up and took and bath and felt a TON better and then got out of the tub. YEP didn't make it back to bed I just layed on the floor and called for Tom and I told him I needed to push he came back in and said your water hasn't even broken yet come back to bed and sleep. He went and layed back down and GUSH ( my water broke) I said TOM??? and he said YEP I heard that I'm calling 911. So he called and said you need to get to my house my wife's water just broke and she has babies fast, he then called our friend Jen to have her come stay with the boys and while he's ON the phone with her Out comes Jonah. He frantically explains to her what just happened and then throws the phone across the room and catches Jonah just as he's coming out. ( 3:23am) He came out and Tom handed him to me and whole ALL I was thinking is was he too early? did we get the date wrong? He's SO tiny and his cord is TINY. The phone is still on speaker and I hear Jen say Chris they just had the baby I heard him crying and that was NOT the other boys, Quick find their address I don't know where they live ( click) Then I hear Tom yet again on the phone with 911 yelling this time get here he's here you've run out of time and I dont' know what to do and I'm not going to listen to you so I'm just going to hang up now just GET here. Meanwhile Tom had already wrapped up the baby in a towel and handed him to me and then proceeded to call my mom at my request who I found out heard the phone ring and wasn't going to answer but my dad told her it was ME and that I just had Jonah so she was SHOCKED to hear the 1 min story and quickly said MAKE HIM CRY I want to hear it. SO we unwrapped him and sure enough he started wailing for Bonnie and then she said you called 911 first right? and we said yes they are on their way and so is the sitter, at that time I hear Tom say Thank God they are HERE so i got off the phone and frantically tried to grab whatever I could since I was COMPLETELY naked on my bathroom floor. 5 guys walk in GREAT ( I was hoping for our Paramedic friend was going to) I hand them the baby and they cut his cord and check him out, I then ask if I'm supposed to push out the placenta and they say if you want to if not you can do it at the hospital and they pull me up so I can walk to the gurney in the living room since it wouldn't fit in the doorway and out comes the placenta then I get on the gurney and see Jen and say thank you and head off to the hospital. During all of that Tom grabbed my hospital bag thank goodness and got in the ambulance and called his parents to tell THEM the crazy story. We get to the Hospital and we are greeted by a nurse that we know from before because she'd witnessed the other 2 boys births so I say Hi and we head up stairs to find our friend Krystal is working and is shocked to see us come through the door.
We were wide awake yet exhausted and poor baby Jonah just hung out in his little warmer for a good 2 hours I think actually until Grandma and Grandpa came to the rescue with food and to hold the baby.
We stayed for 2 more nights I say that because we arrived around 4am in the first place. Jen had our sweet boys All weekend and brought them to meet their new brother a few times.
I'll post pics in another post since I forgot to get them in first.