We Gave Azariah his first taste of Cereal last night he was Thrilled that we were FINALLY letting him eat something but once he had it he Wasn't very impressed anymore... He immediately put his fingers back in his mouth. We tried to hold them down but he wasn't having anymore of it, he'd much rather have another chip that his brother gave him last week than whatever that stuff was.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
First food
We Gave Azariah his first taste of Cereal last night he was Thrilled that we were FINALLY letting him eat something but once he had it he Wasn't very impressed anymore... He immediately put his fingers back in his mouth. We tried to hold them down but he wasn't having anymore of it, he'd much rather have another chip that his brother gave him last week than whatever that stuff was.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Long Over Due Update
Sit back and relax this one will take awhile for sure.
Lets see where to begin I think the last time I updated was Jan so there should be lots to say. I'm coming to blank with what happened in Feb but in March We took a trip to GJ to see Jason, Linda and sweet Jolie and attend Lucy's baby shower and of course see all of the other wonderful family that lives in and around GJ. We had a GREAT visit it's so fun to see all of the cousins play together. Alex and Jacob are completely in awe with Micah it is SO cute because he has NO IDEA what to around them and they just follow his every step and try to help with everything. I can't believe how big they are getting I remember meeting Taylor and Jacob around this time 4 years ago now and I am just Amazed every time I see all 3 boys. Alex is still a baby to me and he's not only not the baby of the Trinklein clan anymore he's soon to not even be the baby of his house it's CRAZY. I'd post pics of our great trip but I'm on the wrong computer currently. We went to see the baby chicks at Murdochs and mostly just let all the kids play lego's in the middle of Bonnie's living room. Surprisingly it wasn't even a big deal that we had tiny little pieces all about with a 1 1/2 year old a 9 month old and a 5 month old. Micah just played right along and as long as you gave miss Jolie a horse to play with she was good to go as well. I was also able to see some of my friends and their kiddos which is always fun. I LOVE that my kids will have friends different places when we visit especially if we keep going thru weeks of training in one location for Tom's job. It was a lot of fun this trip to everyone together I just can't wait til June when we are all together again and have another sweet baby girl Lucy to join the mix.
The weather is starting to get nicer out which is really nice Micah LOVES to be outside just running around doing nothing else. We've taken him to feed the ducks again and he actually got out of the stroller with daddy and threw some bread, he also ate some bread tho ( note to self bring fresh bread since he thinks he needs some too) We introduced him to the slides at the park as well and he had a BLAST Tom would take him to the top and send him down to me waiting at the bottom and he'd just get right back up and start climbing the stairs again. He is getting to be such a fun little person. He started pretending things recently he grabs his blanket and sippy cup and sometimes my keys and gives me a kiss and says see ya later and walks up to the door. He loves little brother Azariah he gives us both kisses and hugs in the morning, Daddy gets up with him while I feed Azariah and he comes into bed to give us both hugs and kisses before he heads off to eat breakfast or get his hair done by daddy. He also LOVES to make brother take his pacifier. Azariah isn't very impressed tho he's not a fan of the pacifier most of the time but it's still cute. Micah also likes to put his finger into Riah's mouth to feel for teeth because he see's us do it so much. He is def an little imitator, but also comes up with stuff all on his own like the other day he was at grandma's ( we are trying to get him to say GRRR andma) He'd rather just say Mamaa tho. But he was over there this past weekend and he had diff bowls on the ground and had the lotion and he'd put it over the bowl and make the noise like he was filling them up. SO cute. I think he learns something new EVERY day he can now say Wipe ( whooIp) and diaper and garbage and he can point at different pics of people and tell you who it is. He is also learning to eat with a spoon and fork. He LOVES shells and cheese and to do it himself. He's also learning a TON of signs he picks them up so fast I am running out of what to teach next.
Azariah got his 1ST tooth in Grand Junction when we were visiting. Aunt Jodi discovered it right before we left. He now has BOTH bottom teeth and is also a lot of fun we brought his exer saucer out and he spends quite a bit of time in it he's having fun trying to get all the little toys to work and when he can't figure out Brother isn't too far away to help him out. He's also rolling ALL over the place and loves to scoot himself in circles on his back. He turned 6 months yesterday so we will start him on food once I get my act together. He and Micah both had Ear Infections in March and we had to take him to the ER for a temp of 104. There was no explanation for it and it went down after about 3 hours with Motrin and we went home but now he has double ear infections AGAIN and both boys are teething.
I am VERY anxious and excited to meet my niece SOON she is due April 23rd and I just can't wait to hold her.
Tom and I took Azariah on his first hike the other day it was also his first time riding facing out in the bjorn he absolutely LOVED watching the small rapids of the river we walked to he didn't want to take his eye's off it. While we were hiking we came to the conclusion that Micah has yet to go on his own hike so we'll have to fix that soon, he was with Grandma because his little brother wasn't letting him sleep with the nasty ear infections he was screaming off and on all night long.
We had a GREAT Easter we went to Church Tom and I and his dad Paul. Gloria stayed home with the boys because she wasn't feeling up to par and both boys needed naps. Tom and Paul "hid" eggs in plain sight for Micah and he got about 5 or so before he found Rocks and charted off course to play in them and put them in the grass or in the bucket. We hunted in shifts as I call it because he was def MORE interested in the rocks, typical boy I guess. I think he FINALLY found them all about 2 hours in but it was a LOVELY day and we didn't mind hanging out in the sunshine with him. I opened an egg with jelly beans in it and had him try one thinking that would motivate him to find the others and instead he just grabbed the egg and shared with daddy and grandpa which was really cute. Azariah hung out in the grass with daddy basking in the sun while Grandpa and I tried to get Micah to finish the hunt. Then we had steaks and baked potoatoes YUM.
We not officially have BOTH boys in the SAME room and will be tearing down the pack n play hopefully this weekend. They are doing wonderfully in there together they take naps and sleep all night in the same room it is true BLISS. They like to talk to each other before nap time and in the morning it's really cute. Infact I came out this morning when they were in the kitchen in their high chairs and Micah had Azariah cracking up laughing it was really cute. Well I think I might be caught up on life now and I'm sure if you see the word cute one more time I'll be in trouble so until next time hopefully not 3 months this time.
Lets see where to begin I think the last time I updated was Jan so there should be lots to say. I'm coming to blank with what happened in Feb but in March We took a trip to GJ to see Jason, Linda and sweet Jolie and attend Lucy's baby shower and of course see all of the other wonderful family that lives in and around GJ. We had a GREAT visit it's so fun to see all of the cousins play together. Alex and Jacob are completely in awe with Micah it is SO cute because he has NO IDEA what to around them and they just follow his every step and try to help with everything. I can't believe how big they are getting I remember meeting Taylor and Jacob around this time 4 years ago now and I am just Amazed every time I see all 3 boys. Alex is still a baby to me and he's not only not the baby of the Trinklein clan anymore he's soon to not even be the baby of his house it's CRAZY. I'd post pics of our great trip but I'm on the wrong computer currently. We went to see the baby chicks at Murdochs and mostly just let all the kids play lego's in the middle of Bonnie's living room. Surprisingly it wasn't even a big deal that we had tiny little pieces all about with a 1 1/2 year old a 9 month old and a 5 month old. Micah just played right along and as long as you gave miss Jolie a horse to play with she was good to go as well. I was also able to see some of my friends and their kiddos which is always fun. I LOVE that my kids will have friends different places when we visit especially if we keep going thru weeks of training in one location for Tom's job. It was a lot of fun this trip to everyone together I just can't wait til June when we are all together again and have another sweet baby girl Lucy to join the mix.
The weather is starting to get nicer out which is really nice Micah LOVES to be outside just running around doing nothing else. We've taken him to feed the ducks again and he actually got out of the stroller with daddy and threw some bread, he also ate some bread tho ( note to self bring fresh bread since he thinks he needs some too) We introduced him to the slides at the park as well and he had a BLAST Tom would take him to the top and send him down to me waiting at the bottom and he'd just get right back up and start climbing the stairs again. He is getting to be such a fun little person. He started pretending things recently he grabs his blanket and sippy cup and sometimes my keys and gives me a kiss and says see ya later and walks up to the door. He loves little brother Azariah he gives us both kisses and hugs in the morning, Daddy gets up with him while I feed Azariah and he comes into bed to give us both hugs and kisses before he heads off to eat breakfast or get his hair done by daddy. He also LOVES to make brother take his pacifier. Azariah isn't very impressed tho he's not a fan of the pacifier most of the time but it's still cute. Micah also likes to put his finger into Riah's mouth to feel for teeth because he see's us do it so much. He is def an little imitator, but also comes up with stuff all on his own like the other day he was at grandma's ( we are trying to get him to say GRRR andma) He'd rather just say Mamaa tho. But he was over there this past weekend and he had diff bowls on the ground and had the lotion and he'd put it over the bowl and make the noise like he was filling them up. SO cute. I think he learns something new EVERY day he can now say Wipe ( whooIp) and diaper and garbage and he can point at different pics of people and tell you who it is. He is also learning to eat with a spoon and fork. He LOVES shells and cheese and to do it himself. He's also learning a TON of signs he picks them up so fast I am running out of what to teach next.
Azariah got his 1ST tooth in Grand Junction when we were visiting. Aunt Jodi discovered it right before we left. He now has BOTH bottom teeth and is also a lot of fun we brought his exer saucer out and he spends quite a bit of time in it he's having fun trying to get all the little toys to work and when he can't figure out Brother isn't too far away to help him out. He's also rolling ALL over the place and loves to scoot himself in circles on his back. He turned 6 months yesterday so we will start him on food once I get my act together. He and Micah both had Ear Infections in March and we had to take him to the ER for a temp of 104. There was no explanation for it and it went down after about 3 hours with Motrin and we went home but now he has double ear infections AGAIN and both boys are teething.
I am VERY anxious and excited to meet my niece SOON she is due April 23rd and I just can't wait to hold her.
Tom and I took Azariah on his first hike the other day it was also his first time riding facing out in the bjorn he absolutely LOVED watching the small rapids of the river we walked to he didn't want to take his eye's off it. While we were hiking we came to the conclusion that Micah has yet to go on his own hike so we'll have to fix that soon, he was with Grandma because his little brother wasn't letting him sleep with the nasty ear infections he was screaming off and on all night long.
We had a GREAT Easter we went to Church Tom and I and his dad Paul. Gloria stayed home with the boys because she wasn't feeling up to par and both boys needed naps. Tom and Paul "hid" eggs in plain sight for Micah and he got about 5 or so before he found Rocks and charted off course to play in them and put them in the grass or in the bucket. We hunted in shifts as I call it because he was def MORE interested in the rocks, typical boy I guess. I think he FINALLY found them all about 2 hours in but it was a LOVELY day and we didn't mind hanging out in the sunshine with him. I opened an egg with jelly beans in it and had him try one thinking that would motivate him to find the others and instead he just grabbed the egg and shared with daddy and grandpa which was really cute. Azariah hung out in the grass with daddy basking in the sun while Grandpa and I tried to get Micah to finish the hunt. Then we had steaks and baked potoatoes YUM.
We not officially have BOTH boys in the SAME room and will be tearing down the pack n play hopefully this weekend. They are doing wonderfully in there together they take naps and sleep all night in the same room it is true BLISS. They like to talk to each other before nap time and in the morning it's really cute. Infact I came out this morning when they were in the kitchen in their high chairs and Micah had Azariah cracking up laughing it was really cute. Well I think I might be caught up on life now and I'm sure if you see the word cute one more time I'll be in trouble so until next time hopefully not 3 months this time.
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