So we are trying to get our house ready so we can sell it this spring, one of the main things we decided to do was update the bathroom. Keep in mind that this is our ONLY bathroom in the house.
The weekend started it's downhill decent Thursday morning when Tom went to get Micah and found out that he had puked all over. I was then of course quickly awaken to take care of it because he had to go to work, yay me :(. So while cleaning up Micah enough to get him in the tub Azariah decided to join in on the fun and started puking as well. Luckily Azariah did not puke nearly as much as his brother so no bath was needed for him, ( I was happy because I didn't really want them sharing pukey bath water) so I gave Micah a bath and both boys were given some Pedia Light and to the couch we went to watch Handy Manny that Tom had conveniently just recorded about 20 times. Both boys were done puking by noon and took nice long afternoon naps for me which was nice. Then Tom calls around 3 and says that Matt is on his way to our house to help with the bathroom remodel. GREAT he wasn't supposed to come til THE NEXT DAY. So now I have a pukey house and I'm frantically trying to get it cleaned and sanitized since Matt's bed happened to be the target zone. I'm counting down the minutes til Tom comes home to help me in my mad dash to clean the house, he walks in and immediately says I don't feel well and off to the bathroom he goes. REALLY? What else can happen? So Tom is horribly sick and the house didn't get done because I was still dealing with worn out little boys. I tell Tom to call Matt and suggest he go stay in Pueblo with Tom's parents since obviously our house is a MAJOR health hazard at this point and why would he want to come when I myself want to run away screaming. He decided to come anyway and started demoing the bathroom and my once messy house turned into a down right DISASTER. Oh and to top it all off since Tom came home sick my in laws couldn't take the boys the next day as planned previously.
Tom went to work the next day just for his meeting and then came home to take his turn at watching Handy Manny, While Matt and I went for supplies, while we were there I begin to feel HORRIBLY sick and had to run out to the car, thank goodness once I hit the cold air I was feeling ok and was able to make it to the next store and survive the day. So they took everything out of the bathroom and I was thinking we have a horrible sickness in our house right now what will I do if I get it tonight and there is NO TOILET. So the guys decided to come up with a way to put it back. Well I wasn't the one that needed it the next morning it was Matt. So now the one that KNOWS what he's doing is sick and takes his turn watching Handy Manny with the boys since yet again the boys were stuck at home with us. Tom tried his hardest and got one of the walls in the shower tiled. I thought that was a good sign and was VERY hopeful that the project would still end ON TIME. The next day no one woke up sick so my in laws came down Paul stayed to help with the plumbing because of course we have to be complicated and change it all around, and Gloria drove me and boys to their house, on the way I PUKE in the car because we couldn't pull over fast enough. YAY ... Please GOD I can't be getting sick too. Yet once again I escape the horrible sickness. Later that day I call to find out the progress hoping to hear the tile is done and we can grout tomorrow and come back home the next day. NOPE only the shower is done and the plumbing isn't working right. OK I guess I should expect that since my workers were sick. We put the boys to bed and about an hour later hear Micah crying so we go get him and he's blown out HORRIBLY so we toss him in the shower with daddy and put new jammies on get him a drink hoping to send him back to bed, when he pukes and becomes a limp noodle. It's 10:00pm we call the ER in Pueblo and find out there's a long wait so off to Springs we go, we get there and see the ER get to the security guard and Micah PROJECTILE's EVERYWHERE including on his blankey. We get him in and he is just distraught because won't give him blankey and the nurses frantically try to find a replacement and all it did was make it worse. When they said he was going to get fluid we decided we needed to get the blankey back to him so Tom washed out the puke in the sink and gave him a wet blanket but it's ALL he wanted and he was an angel the rest of time and slept through the whole IV process. We got back at around 3 am and Tom had to get up by 6:30.
SO here I sit Wed almost a week after the 3 day project began and we MIGHT get to go home tomorrow but won't have the floor done. Oh and to top it off my father in law got sick last night and my mother in law got sick this morning.
Well that's our LOVELY weekend and we've only gotten half way I am SCARED to see what will happen next.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Really there's 2 of them?????
So until recently I guess it didn't really feel like I had 2 kids more like 1 at a time daily but now that Azariah is completely mobile and can get ANYWHERE Micah can my life just got about 10 times harder. Micah just figured out how to open the front screen door and the other day I was "trying" to cook dinner and came back out to find my Toddler outside on the front porch with his sippy cup and blankey and right after him was baby Azariah crawling right after him. Our house we have claimed all along as being Micah proof not necessarily baby proof but Micah proof because he didn't really get into a whole lot well now we get to baby proof or Azariah proof our house because he LOVES all cords and thinks they ALL need to be chewed on. His other favorite spot is the trash can in the kitchen while Micah's new fasination is either trying to figure out how to get outside or crash the computer.
So now all cleaning has to either be done with the boys or while they are sleeping and making dinner is next to impossible unless it takes under 5 mins so they can be contained with a snack in their high chairs or Daddy's home and can rangle them.
On a better note tho it's still the best thing ever to see Azariah test his boundaries every day and go a little further each time, he crawled into our room the other day and he was SO PROUD of himself it was really cute. Micah now says love you daddy and mommy and that just melts our hearts every day... He tells Tom bye daddy love you everyday before he goes to work and says love you before he goes down for nap. So no matter HOW hard life has gotten just this week I wouldn't trade it for the world I LOVE raising my boys and watching them experience new things.
I have recently also joined the couponing world which has been pretty fun, Tom joins in with me and trys to help me find more coupons online, then we go as a family to the store to see what great deals we got. Last night I bought 10 bags of Quaker Rice snacks and only paid $1.10 for all of them. I don't know what I've done all this time without coupons but I am def glad I've started using them and I KNOW I will be saving a lot of money.
With cooking I have found a wonderful new way to make my favorite foods without taking a ton of time over the stove making it a lot safer with my two travelers. I've started making oven fried foods and Tom likes it and I'm able to prepare dinner in my under 5 min time frame before Tom gets home then i can finish later once he is home. I also made a really yummy potato soup last night I can't wait til is COOLS off outside so I can make it more often.
So now all cleaning has to either be done with the boys or while they are sleeping and making dinner is next to impossible unless it takes under 5 mins so they can be contained with a snack in their high chairs or Daddy's home and can rangle them.
On a better note tho it's still the best thing ever to see Azariah test his boundaries every day and go a little further each time, he crawled into our room the other day and he was SO PROUD of himself it was really cute. Micah now says love you daddy and mommy and that just melts our hearts every day... He tells Tom bye daddy love you everyday before he goes to work and says love you before he goes down for nap. So no matter HOW hard life has gotten just this week I wouldn't trade it for the world I LOVE raising my boys and watching them experience new things.
I have recently also joined the couponing world which has been pretty fun, Tom joins in with me and trys to help me find more coupons online, then we go as a family to the store to see what great deals we got. Last night I bought 10 bags of Quaker Rice snacks and only paid $1.10 for all of them. I don't know what I've done all this time without coupons but I am def glad I've started using them and I KNOW I will be saving a lot of money.
With cooking I have found a wonderful new way to make my favorite foods without taking a ton of time over the stove making it a lot safer with my two travelers. I've started making oven fried foods and Tom likes it and I'm able to prepare dinner in my under 5 min time frame before Tom gets home then i can finish later once he is home. I also made a really yummy potato soup last night I can't wait til is COOLS off outside so I can make it more often.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
July 2010
For the fourth of July we woke up went to church then headed over to Pueblo for lunch. While we were there I made a dessert for the dinner we were going to later that night. it seemed simple enough but what was supposed to be about 2 inches wide turned into about less than an inch wide when were finished. ( note to self and husband) DO NOT RE ROLL OUT PUFF PASTRY!!!! They still tasted good tho so I guess that's all the matters. Later in the day once the boys were up and my dessert was made we headed up to the Springs to our friends house for dinner. Micah and Azariah played the whole way there which was really cute, Micah played peek a boo with Riah and they were both laughing hysterically. We had a GREAT night I got to see a friend from GJ that moved to Springs that I hadn't seen in a LONG time all our kids got to play together 5 babies under 2 and YES were successful in getting them ALL to SLEEP at the same time GO US. Tom had a blast to because the "men" of the group were acting like teenagers and lit themselves on fire with rubbing alcohol and a lighter.
Later that week Azariah started with one day sitting up on his own no help he'd get there himself to the next day crawling to the next day pulling himself up to standing and now with your help will even take a few steps. He's become mobile OVER NIGHT it seems but it's fun to see him explore and learn new things. He's also picked up the mimicking thing. If you make a face at him serious or happy he'll do the same it's ADORABLE... he'll be screaming for some reason or anther and you say Azariah and look at him serious he'll stop and return the look.
Micah now sits with us at the table in his chair like a big boy and feeds himself most things with a spoon or fork he's getting quite good at it and LOVES to be a part of the table while brother is stuck in the high chair. I even caught him sitting in my chair the other day and bowed his head and closed his eyes and was praying for his snack SO CUTE. I was shocked he did that because when we pray he just sits there he wants to hold your hand but he just sits there and when you say Amen he bangs your hand against the table. He is talking more and more and we are actually starting to understand him A LOT more. Unfortunately he fell in the shower the other day tho and split the skin under his eye we just about took him for stitches but our good friend the EMT said she wouldn't take her son in so we decided against it and it's healing up quite well, we still however pulled him for swimming lessons this week so ensure it doesn't get infected.
I'd post pics but unfortunately Micah has busted our camera so we can only take videos now but I will try to post some of those some day soon. We have Azariah learning to crawl and such.
Later that week Azariah started with one day sitting up on his own no help he'd get there himself to the next day crawling to the next day pulling himself up to standing and now with your help will even take a few steps. He's become mobile OVER NIGHT it seems but it's fun to see him explore and learn new things. He's also picked up the mimicking thing. If you make a face at him serious or happy he'll do the same it's ADORABLE... he'll be screaming for some reason or anther and you say Azariah and look at him serious he'll stop and return the look.
Micah now sits with us at the table in his chair like a big boy and feeds himself most things with a spoon or fork he's getting quite good at it and LOVES to be a part of the table while brother is stuck in the high chair. I even caught him sitting in my chair the other day and bowed his head and closed his eyes and was praying for his snack SO CUTE. I was shocked he did that because when we pray he just sits there he wants to hold your hand but he just sits there and when you say Amen he bangs your hand against the table. He is talking more and more and we are actually starting to understand him A LOT more. Unfortunately he fell in the shower the other day tho and split the skin under his eye we just about took him for stitches but our good friend the EMT said she wouldn't take her son in so we decided against it and it's healing up quite well, we still however pulled him for swimming lessons this week so ensure it doesn't get infected.
I'd post pics but unfortunately Micah has busted our camera so we can only take videos now but I will try to post some of those some day soon. We have Azariah learning to crawl and such.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Normal Day in the Kugler house
Today Tom and I were getting the boys up for the day and Tom walked out with Azariah and Micah yelled after him mommy .... Tom yelled back I'm not mommy I'm daddy then Micah yelled that's what I said .... He cracks us up on a daily basis he is WAY to smart for him own good.... Now if Azariah pukes on the floor which is a common occurrence, Micah quickly finds something to wipe it up. He is VERY good about throwing things away and very polite always signs please and thank you. He has a very hard time leaving blankey in the crib tho but he knows he's supposed to because he goes to throw it out on the floor and quickly stops and says no no no and puts in the corner on his pillow where we've showed him it needs to stay. He also climbed out of his crib the other day. Tom and I were talking and were just about to go in and get the boys and we heard the loud thud and ran in there to find him crying on his back ... he wasn't hurt tho just scared..... We plan to get rails for the twin bed and set it up once we come back from our Trip. Oh and also I'm proud to announce for those of you that Micah thought you were Toby ( Jodi and Jolie) He says
J O L I E and says Auntie for Jodi :)
Azariah is amazing us day after day as well. I was laying on a pillow on the couch last night and Tom was holding Azariah and he reached over ( without Tom's help I checked) and pulled my hair he grabbed a HUGE chunk the silly monkey. he is also now very interested in the remote and grabs that out of ours hands.... He went from this baby that would just hang out quietly to one that is constantly saying ba ba ba and squealing ... he's grabbing at things and rolling all over the place and trying to scoot around and he is FINALLY learning to SIT UP. And the funniest thing I think he does is grab on to Micah's blanket and he WILL NOT LET GO.... it drives Micah crazy but I like that they are actually interacting now.... Micah will also look under the bumper in Azariah's crib to find him ... he calls him yaya or rier.
J O L I E and says Auntie for Jodi :)
Azariah is amazing us day after day as well. I was laying on a pillow on the couch last night and Tom was holding Azariah and he reached over ( without Tom's help I checked) and pulled my hair he grabbed a HUGE chunk the silly monkey. he is also now very interested in the remote and grabs that out of ours hands.... He went from this baby that would just hang out quietly to one that is constantly saying ba ba ba and squealing ... he's grabbing at things and rolling all over the place and trying to scoot around and he is FINALLY learning to SIT UP. And the funniest thing I think he does is grab on to Micah's blanket and he WILL NOT LET GO.... it drives Micah crazy but I like that they are actually interacting now.... Micah will also look under the bumper in Azariah's crib to find him ... he calls him yaya or rier.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Trip to Cheyenne
This def was not our first trip to Cheyenne not even Azariah's first trip there but it was our first hassel free trip where we could show up when we wanted and leave the same way. My WONDERFUL inlaws got us a hotel room so we could give the boys naps when they needed them with no interruptions and didn't have to work 5 times as hard to baby proof someone else's house. It was very nice we left around noon from our house so we didn't have a rushed quick pack but don't forget anything morning... We then headed to Pueblo and picked up lunch then went to Paul and Gloria's ate lunch hung out a bit and headed out to Castle Rock oh how I LOVE Outlet Malls we then got back in the car and proceeded to Cheyenne with a dinner stop in Fortcollins to McCallister's and again oh how I LOVE McCallister's. Then we took Grandma ( Gloria) to Nana's
( Grandma Elly) and then we arrived at our Hotel and since of course we wern't thinking bring at least one bad for the boys we were THRILLED when they gave us 2 pack n play's and we didn't have to each co -sleep with a small boy that snores and kicks and cry's because they are NOT used to co-sleeping.
We woke up we'll Tom and I rolled out of bed around 8am pretty sure Micah was awake around 6:30am but perfectly content just hanging out and peeking around. At about 7:30am was when he decided Azariah needed to be awake and proceeded to everything possible to wake him up so once HE was awake we too got up for the day. We got the boys ready for day and ourselves then I went down and got breakfast for Micah and I and went back up to the room so Tom could go down and get breakfast then he decided to take Micah back down for some exploring since he'd been in the same room for quite awhile and needed to run off some energy for a successful nap time. Then I decided to brave having NO idea where I was and sent out on a mission for socks for ALL 3 of my boys why did we go sock shopping on vacation you ask? Because Vacation packing is when you most find out what you NEED in your suit case .... so I called my mil ( mother in law) since she was familiar with Cheyenne and I was NOT she gave me the RIGHT directions but I second guess myself quite a bit and sent myself on a goose chase but after calling her back and then talking to Paul's Cousin Tim I was headed in the right direction to Wal-mart. know I know why Wal-mart YES was actually HAVE one of those in Canon City so why wouldn't I want to go find somewhere we DON'T have???? Well Wal-mart for one fits my husbands spending limit's and 2 they also had allergy medicine for my little Azariah and sun screen since yep once again the item we didn't find for packing. So having been in MANY wal-marts I always walk in like I own the place and know EXACTLY where everything is .... Allergy meds check sun screen check hubby's socks check search for Micah socks and find Azariah socks check.... search for Micah socks fail search over here for Micah socks fail search the other place fail.... 20 mins later of walking back and forth find Micah's socks 1 isle away from Azariah's socks... 2 goose chases of the day completed CHECK .... I then find my way back to the Hotel wonderfully because by now I am a native I've driven around SO MUCH. Went back the Hotel key worked YAY and BOTH my angels we FAST asleep HEAVEN .... Then the phone rings the reunion has started it started at 11 instead of 12 it's now 11:30am and we have 2 sleeping babies well guess we'll be late business and usual. We arrived around 12:30 so NOT bad considering we thought it started at 12 and planned on being fashionably late, ok not really but 30 mins is GOOD for us.... We had a lot of fun at the reunion Tom got to hang out with his cousins like old times on the play ground really not joking and I just hung out talking to people and meeting family members of course. After the reunion we went to Grandma Elly's and Tom helped with her yard and anything she needed ( good quality time for him) and I headed down stairs with the boys and mil and put both boys on a diff bed for nap... Micah actually stayed on a day bed and took a nap and waited for me to say he could get up before moving and I got a lovely 1 1/2 movie's long nap. Yes I ALWAYS fall asleep during movies. Then we went to Perkins for dinner and headed back to the Hotel and put the boys down to bed watched a movie on Hallmark and went to bed....
The next day Tom jumped out of bed at 7:30am got dressed and was out the door before I could even see straight because he had plans with Grandpa at 8 and still needed to go get his mom... So once I woke up and figured out what was going on I was ready to SHOOT Tom. ALL of the bottles were in the car and it was GONE and also had the Strollers and my phone and the hotel phone would NOT call out. SO I got Micah up and dressed and waited for Azariah to wake up mean while despising Tom for leaving me with both boys without any EASY way of getting around and NO bottle for poor Azariah oh did I mention he was meeting his Grandpa across the street that consisted of at the time going through sprinklers down stairs and across a busy Truck stop with a 19 month old that thinks he's 10 and can do it ALL on his own and a 7 1/2 month old with NO stroller. Just as I was plotting the death of Tom for leaving me his mom was at the door with the good news that the car was back at the hotel and she was there to HELP.... So we got the boys and a bottle and stroller and headed off to Breakfast.... Then we came back and packed up and headed to Starbucks ( trying to make that Micah's new word) YUM and then off to the park where I got to play with sweet Micah and Tom was able to chat with his cousin and his wife ... I have video of Micah at the park SO cute I will post when I have more time... He went up to the top of a Smallish slide and went down ALL by himself about 10 diff times .. I was SO proud of him and so AMAZED that he could do it and had NO FEAR. We ended well near ended the trip at Subway in Castle Pine where they put brown lettuce on our sandwich's which Tom had them re make them without lettuce since they REFUSED to throw it out and get new.... We also had PLENTY of time to work on the names of Micah's Family.... Aunt's, Uncle's, Cousins, Grand parents and Great Aunt :) He did pretty good with all of them but Jodi and Jolie sound too much like Toby his best friend ( the Cat) at MIL's house so he just said Oew because that what's Toby says Meow. Over all a VERY successful and stress free trip where we came home and didn't feel like we needed a vacation :) .... Thanks for the Great room coffe, dinner and lunch and for keeping the boys entertained for us on the drive Gloria.... Oh one last thing.... Micah was trying to choke himself one of his BAD habits and gma told him to STOP and he wouldn't listen so she told Tom to take care of it and he turned out and started counting because that's what works with Micah and he turned back around and Micah slapped gma for telling on him LOL.
( Grandma Elly) and then we arrived at our Hotel and since of course we wern't thinking bring at least one bad for the boys we were THRILLED when they gave us 2 pack n play's and we didn't have to each co -sleep with a small boy that snores and kicks and cry's because they are NOT used to co-sleeping.
We woke up we'll Tom and I rolled out of bed around 8am pretty sure Micah was awake around 6:30am but perfectly content just hanging out and peeking around. At about 7:30am was when he decided Azariah needed to be awake and proceeded to everything possible to wake him up so once HE was awake we too got up for the day. We got the boys ready for day and ourselves then I went down and got breakfast for Micah and I and went back up to the room so Tom could go down and get breakfast then he decided to take Micah back down for some exploring since he'd been in the same room for quite awhile and needed to run off some energy for a successful nap time. Then I decided to brave having NO idea where I was and sent out on a mission for socks for ALL 3 of my boys why did we go sock shopping on vacation you ask? Because Vacation packing is when you most find out what you NEED in your suit case .... so I called my mil ( mother in law) since she was familiar with Cheyenne and I was NOT she gave me the RIGHT directions but I second guess myself quite a bit and sent myself on a goose chase but after calling her back and then talking to Paul's Cousin Tim I was headed in the right direction to Wal-mart. know I know why Wal-mart YES was actually HAVE one of those in Canon City so why wouldn't I want to go find somewhere we DON'T have???? Well Wal-mart for one fits my husbands spending limit's and 2 they also had allergy medicine for my little Azariah and sun screen since yep once again the item we didn't find for packing. So having been in MANY wal-marts I always walk in like I own the place and know EXACTLY where everything is .... Allergy meds check sun screen check hubby's socks check search for Micah socks and find Azariah socks check.... search for Micah socks fail search over here for Micah socks fail search the other place fail.... 20 mins later of walking back and forth find Micah's socks 1 isle away from Azariah's socks... 2 goose chases of the day completed CHECK .... I then find my way back to the Hotel wonderfully because by now I am a native I've driven around SO MUCH. Went back the Hotel key worked YAY and BOTH my angels we FAST asleep HEAVEN .... Then the phone rings the reunion has started it started at 11 instead of 12 it's now 11:30am and we have 2 sleeping babies well guess we'll be late business and usual. We arrived around 12:30 so NOT bad considering we thought it started at 12 and planned on being fashionably late, ok not really but 30 mins is GOOD for us.... We had a lot of fun at the reunion Tom got to hang out with his cousins like old times on the play ground really not joking and I just hung out talking to people and meeting family members of course. After the reunion we went to Grandma Elly's and Tom helped with her yard and anything she needed ( good quality time for him) and I headed down stairs with the boys and mil and put both boys on a diff bed for nap... Micah actually stayed on a day bed and took a nap and waited for me to say he could get up before moving and I got a lovely 1 1/2 movie's long nap. Yes I ALWAYS fall asleep during movies. Then we went to Perkins for dinner and headed back to the Hotel and put the boys down to bed watched a movie on Hallmark and went to bed....
The next day Tom jumped out of bed at 7:30am got dressed and was out the door before I could even see straight because he had plans with Grandpa at 8 and still needed to go get his mom... So once I woke up and figured out what was going on I was ready to SHOOT Tom. ALL of the bottles were in the car and it was GONE and also had the Strollers and my phone and the hotel phone would NOT call out. SO I got Micah up and dressed and waited for Azariah to wake up mean while despising Tom for leaving me with both boys without any EASY way of getting around and NO bottle for poor Azariah oh did I mention he was meeting his Grandpa across the street that consisted of at the time going through sprinklers down stairs and across a busy Truck stop with a 19 month old that thinks he's 10 and can do it ALL on his own and a 7 1/2 month old with NO stroller. Just as I was plotting the death of Tom for leaving me his mom was at the door with the good news that the car was back at the hotel and she was there to HELP.... So we got the boys and a bottle and stroller and headed off to Breakfast.... Then we came back and packed up and headed to Starbucks ( trying to make that Micah's new word) YUM and then off to the park where I got to play with sweet Micah and Tom was able to chat with his cousin and his wife ... I have video of Micah at the park SO cute I will post when I have more time... He went up to the top of a Smallish slide and went down ALL by himself about 10 diff times .. I was SO proud of him and so AMAZED that he could do it and had NO FEAR. We ended well near ended the trip at Subway in Castle Pine where they put brown lettuce on our sandwich's which Tom had them re make them without lettuce since they REFUSED to throw it out and get new.... We also had PLENTY of time to work on the names of Micah's Family.... Aunt's, Uncle's, Cousins, Grand parents and Great Aunt :) He did pretty good with all of them but Jodi and Jolie sound too much like Toby his best friend ( the Cat) at MIL's house so he just said Oew because that what's Toby says Meow. Over all a VERY successful and stress free trip where we came home and didn't feel like we needed a vacation :) .... Thanks for the Great room coffe, dinner and lunch and for keeping the boys entertained for us on the drive Gloria.... Oh one last thing.... Micah was trying to choke himself one of his BAD habits and gma told him to STOP and he wouldn't listen so she told Tom to take care of it and he turned out and started counting because that's what works with Micah and he turned back around and Micah slapped gma for telling on him LOL.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
First food
We Gave Azariah his first taste of Cereal last night he was Thrilled that we were FINALLY letting him eat something but once he had it he Wasn't very impressed anymore... He immediately put his fingers back in his mouth. We tried to hold them down but he wasn't having anymore of it, he'd much rather have another chip that his brother gave him last week than whatever that stuff was.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Long Over Due Update
Sit back and relax this one will take awhile for sure.
Lets see where to begin I think the last time I updated was Jan so there should be lots to say. I'm coming to blank with what happened in Feb but in March We took a trip to GJ to see Jason, Linda and sweet Jolie and attend Lucy's baby shower and of course see all of the other wonderful family that lives in and around GJ. We had a GREAT visit it's so fun to see all of the cousins play together. Alex and Jacob are completely in awe with Micah it is SO cute because he has NO IDEA what to around them and they just follow his every step and try to help with everything. I can't believe how big they are getting I remember meeting Taylor and Jacob around this time 4 years ago now and I am just Amazed every time I see all 3 boys. Alex is still a baby to me and he's not only not the baby of the Trinklein clan anymore he's soon to not even be the baby of his house it's CRAZY. I'd post pics of our great trip but I'm on the wrong computer currently. We went to see the baby chicks at Murdochs and mostly just let all the kids play lego's in the middle of Bonnie's living room. Surprisingly it wasn't even a big deal that we had tiny little pieces all about with a 1 1/2 year old a 9 month old and a 5 month old. Micah just played right along and as long as you gave miss Jolie a horse to play with she was good to go as well. I was also able to see some of my friends and their kiddos which is always fun. I LOVE that my kids will have friends different places when we visit especially if we keep going thru weeks of training in one location for Tom's job. It was a lot of fun this trip to everyone together I just can't wait til June when we are all together again and have another sweet baby girl Lucy to join the mix.
The weather is starting to get nicer out which is really nice Micah LOVES to be outside just running around doing nothing else. We've taken him to feed the ducks again and he actually got out of the stroller with daddy and threw some bread, he also ate some bread tho ( note to self bring fresh bread since he thinks he needs some too) We introduced him to the slides at the park as well and he had a BLAST Tom would take him to the top and send him down to me waiting at the bottom and he'd just get right back up and start climbing the stairs again. He is getting to be such a fun little person. He started pretending things recently he grabs his blanket and sippy cup and sometimes my keys and gives me a kiss and says see ya later and walks up to the door. He loves little brother Azariah he gives us both kisses and hugs in the morning, Daddy gets up with him while I feed Azariah and he comes into bed to give us both hugs and kisses before he heads off to eat breakfast or get his hair done by daddy. He also LOVES to make brother take his pacifier. Azariah isn't very impressed tho he's not a fan of the pacifier most of the time but it's still cute. Micah also likes to put his finger into Riah's mouth to feel for teeth because he see's us do it so much. He is def an little imitator, but also comes up with stuff all on his own like the other day he was at grandma's ( we are trying to get him to say GRRR andma) He'd rather just say Mamaa tho. But he was over there this past weekend and he had diff bowls on the ground and had the lotion and he'd put it over the bowl and make the noise like he was filling them up. SO cute. I think he learns something new EVERY day he can now say Wipe ( whooIp) and diaper and garbage and he can point at different pics of people and tell you who it is. He is also learning to eat with a spoon and fork. He LOVES shells and cheese and to do it himself. He's also learning a TON of signs he picks them up so fast I am running out of what to teach next.
Azariah got his 1ST tooth in Grand Junction when we were visiting. Aunt Jodi discovered it right before we left. He now has BOTH bottom teeth and is also a lot of fun we brought his exer saucer out and he spends quite a bit of time in it he's having fun trying to get all the little toys to work and when he can't figure out Brother isn't too far away to help him out. He's also rolling ALL over the place and loves to scoot himself in circles on his back. He turned 6 months yesterday so we will start him on food once I get my act together. He and Micah both had Ear Infections in March and we had to take him to the ER for a temp of 104. There was no explanation for it and it went down after about 3 hours with Motrin and we went home but now he has double ear infections AGAIN and both boys are teething.
I am VERY anxious and excited to meet my niece SOON she is due April 23rd and I just can't wait to hold her.
Tom and I took Azariah on his first hike the other day it was also his first time riding facing out in the bjorn he absolutely LOVED watching the small rapids of the river we walked to he didn't want to take his eye's off it. While we were hiking we came to the conclusion that Micah has yet to go on his own hike so we'll have to fix that soon, he was with Grandma because his little brother wasn't letting him sleep with the nasty ear infections he was screaming off and on all night long.
We had a GREAT Easter we went to Church Tom and I and his dad Paul. Gloria stayed home with the boys because she wasn't feeling up to par and both boys needed naps. Tom and Paul "hid" eggs in plain sight for Micah and he got about 5 or so before he found Rocks and charted off course to play in them and put them in the grass or in the bucket. We hunted in shifts as I call it because he was def MORE interested in the rocks, typical boy I guess. I think he FINALLY found them all about 2 hours in but it was a LOVELY day and we didn't mind hanging out in the sunshine with him. I opened an egg with jelly beans in it and had him try one thinking that would motivate him to find the others and instead he just grabbed the egg and shared with daddy and grandpa which was really cute. Azariah hung out in the grass with daddy basking in the sun while Grandpa and I tried to get Micah to finish the hunt. Then we had steaks and baked potoatoes YUM.
We not officially have BOTH boys in the SAME room and will be tearing down the pack n play hopefully this weekend. They are doing wonderfully in there together they take naps and sleep all night in the same room it is true BLISS. They like to talk to each other before nap time and in the morning it's really cute. Infact I came out this morning when they were in the kitchen in their high chairs and Micah had Azariah cracking up laughing it was really cute. Well I think I might be caught up on life now and I'm sure if you see the word cute one more time I'll be in trouble so until next time hopefully not 3 months this time.
Lets see where to begin I think the last time I updated was Jan so there should be lots to say. I'm coming to blank with what happened in Feb but in March We took a trip to GJ to see Jason, Linda and sweet Jolie and attend Lucy's baby shower and of course see all of the other wonderful family that lives in and around GJ. We had a GREAT visit it's so fun to see all of the cousins play together. Alex and Jacob are completely in awe with Micah it is SO cute because he has NO IDEA what to around them and they just follow his every step and try to help with everything. I can't believe how big they are getting I remember meeting Taylor and Jacob around this time 4 years ago now and I am just Amazed every time I see all 3 boys. Alex is still a baby to me and he's not only not the baby of the Trinklein clan anymore he's soon to not even be the baby of his house it's CRAZY. I'd post pics of our great trip but I'm on the wrong computer currently. We went to see the baby chicks at Murdochs and mostly just let all the kids play lego's in the middle of Bonnie's living room. Surprisingly it wasn't even a big deal that we had tiny little pieces all about with a 1 1/2 year old a 9 month old and a 5 month old. Micah just played right along and as long as you gave miss Jolie a horse to play with she was good to go as well. I was also able to see some of my friends and their kiddos which is always fun. I LOVE that my kids will have friends different places when we visit especially if we keep going thru weeks of training in one location for Tom's job. It was a lot of fun this trip to everyone together I just can't wait til June when we are all together again and have another sweet baby girl Lucy to join the mix.
The weather is starting to get nicer out which is really nice Micah LOVES to be outside just running around doing nothing else. We've taken him to feed the ducks again and he actually got out of the stroller with daddy and threw some bread, he also ate some bread tho ( note to self bring fresh bread since he thinks he needs some too) We introduced him to the slides at the park as well and he had a BLAST Tom would take him to the top and send him down to me waiting at the bottom and he'd just get right back up and start climbing the stairs again. He is getting to be such a fun little person. He started pretending things recently he grabs his blanket and sippy cup and sometimes my keys and gives me a kiss and says see ya later and walks up to the door. He loves little brother Azariah he gives us both kisses and hugs in the morning, Daddy gets up with him while I feed Azariah and he comes into bed to give us both hugs and kisses before he heads off to eat breakfast or get his hair done by daddy. He also LOVES to make brother take his pacifier. Azariah isn't very impressed tho he's not a fan of the pacifier most of the time but it's still cute. Micah also likes to put his finger into Riah's mouth to feel for teeth because he see's us do it so much. He is def an little imitator, but also comes up with stuff all on his own like the other day he was at grandma's ( we are trying to get him to say GRRR andma) He'd rather just say Mamaa tho. But he was over there this past weekend and he had diff bowls on the ground and had the lotion and he'd put it over the bowl and make the noise like he was filling them up. SO cute. I think he learns something new EVERY day he can now say Wipe ( whooIp) and diaper and garbage and he can point at different pics of people and tell you who it is. He is also learning to eat with a spoon and fork. He LOVES shells and cheese and to do it himself. He's also learning a TON of signs he picks them up so fast I am running out of what to teach next.
Azariah got his 1ST tooth in Grand Junction when we were visiting. Aunt Jodi discovered it right before we left. He now has BOTH bottom teeth and is also a lot of fun we brought his exer saucer out and he spends quite a bit of time in it he's having fun trying to get all the little toys to work and when he can't figure out Brother isn't too far away to help him out. He's also rolling ALL over the place and loves to scoot himself in circles on his back. He turned 6 months yesterday so we will start him on food once I get my act together. He and Micah both had Ear Infections in March and we had to take him to the ER for a temp of 104. There was no explanation for it and it went down after about 3 hours with Motrin and we went home but now he has double ear infections AGAIN and both boys are teething.
I am VERY anxious and excited to meet my niece SOON she is due April 23rd and I just can't wait to hold her.
Tom and I took Azariah on his first hike the other day it was also his first time riding facing out in the bjorn he absolutely LOVED watching the small rapids of the river we walked to he didn't want to take his eye's off it. While we were hiking we came to the conclusion that Micah has yet to go on his own hike so we'll have to fix that soon, he was with Grandma because his little brother wasn't letting him sleep with the nasty ear infections he was screaming off and on all night long.
We had a GREAT Easter we went to Church Tom and I and his dad Paul. Gloria stayed home with the boys because she wasn't feeling up to par and both boys needed naps. Tom and Paul "hid" eggs in plain sight for Micah and he got about 5 or so before he found Rocks and charted off course to play in them and put them in the grass or in the bucket. We hunted in shifts as I call it because he was def MORE interested in the rocks, typical boy I guess. I think he FINALLY found them all about 2 hours in but it was a LOVELY day and we didn't mind hanging out in the sunshine with him. I opened an egg with jelly beans in it and had him try one thinking that would motivate him to find the others and instead he just grabbed the egg and shared with daddy and grandpa which was really cute. Azariah hung out in the grass with daddy basking in the sun while Grandpa and I tried to get Micah to finish the hunt. Then we had steaks and baked potoatoes YUM.
We not officially have BOTH boys in the SAME room and will be tearing down the pack n play hopefully this weekend. They are doing wonderfully in there together they take naps and sleep all night in the same room it is true BLISS. They like to talk to each other before nap time and in the morning it's really cute. Infact I came out this morning when they were in the kitchen in their high chairs and Micah had Azariah cracking up laughing it was really cute. Well I think I might be caught up on life now and I'm sure if you see the word cute one more time I'll be in trouble so until next time hopefully not 3 months this time.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hair cuts and Ducks
My sweet boys
Playing together... one minute Micah gives hugs then next he puts his hands in his brothers face.
Snack time with daddy Az gets his juice and Micah get's fruit snacks.
Hanging out in their high chairs. They both have shirts on that say TEAM GRANDPA
Bath time fun
Micah and Az's first bath together the both LOVED it
Right before one of Micah's baths we had the tub full of water and my little organized Micah decided that my bra that was on the dirty clothes pile needed to go into the water.
Micah's first BUBBLE bath. as you can see he was NOT impressed. He was TERRIFIED of the bubbles and was very mad that he couldn't get them off his hands. We put them on his head and showed it in the mirror he was trying very hard to get them off that kids head.
Az hanging out waiting for his turn in the bubble bath
We tried putting the bubbles on brother to show they were harmless and he cleaned them off brother too. They were evil and he wanted NOTHING to do with them.
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