Friday, November 27, 2009
baby smiles
Az gave daddy lots of big smiles today. Still none for mom unless I catch one while he's sleeping but it's still exciting. Tom and I got up early and went shopping on Black Friday glad we didn't want any electronics People are CRAZY that early in the morning. We did get everything we set out for tho so that's pretty exciting. Tom also bought some tile for our kitchen YAY no more NASTY carpet. If you've seen our kitchen you know what I'm talking about. Micah is turning into quite the little talker, he can repeat ANYTHING you say it's really cute. He got to go play in Grandpa's rocks today he was pretty excited but had to make sure EVERYONE was outside with him or he'd come back to the house and yell inside until we came out. Grandma went in to get Az and Micah was right at that door hollering GWAH GWAH until she came back out. He's also in an interesting phase of lining everything up it's pretty interesting. Yesterday he lined up his cookies on the ground, today he lined up the rocks outside and the ducks on the tub. He likes to be organized.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The other day Tom and I were trying to clip Micah's finger nails because he literally has claws that get EVERYONE. SO in order to get it done without him screaming his head off acting like he's being tortured EVERY single clip we'd yell out in excitement CLIP! The things you do to get your kids to do something we must've looked like complete idiots.
This morning for Micah's nap we moved him into Gwah's room so that he won't be bothered later when everyone shows up for Thanks Giving we'll apparently she put him too close to her drawer because when she got up from pretend sleeping to get him to sleep he was carefully and quietly pulling all of her socks out of the drawer softly saying SOCKS each time.
This morning for Micah's nap we moved him into Gwah's room so that he won't be bothered later when everyone shows up for Thanks Giving we'll apparently she put him too close to her drawer because when she got up from pretend sleeping to get him to sleep he was carefully and quietly pulling all of her socks out of the drawer softly saying SOCKS each time.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Oh sit
Well last night we were successful in snuggle time with Micah he sat with me for a good 45 mins and later sat with Tom swaddled up for 30 mins..
Today Micah was acting like a drunken sailor. He couldn't stay up for the life of him and everytime he'd fall down he'd say SIT ... We thought we were hearing a different not so good word and were worried he'd learned to cuss already but then remembered we always tell him to SIT in the tub. What a relief
We also put Az is a bouncy seat for the first time today not knowing how Micah would react to him and he gave him hugs and even brought him his blankey it was def adorable. Micah is turning out to be a very sweet big brother and I am VERY pleased knowing that.
The boys also got to meet their Aunt Becca and soon to be Uncle Ryan today and both seem to like her just fine. It took Micah a while to warm up but was bringing her toys by night time, that's Micah's way of saying I like you.
Today Micah was acting like a drunken sailor. He couldn't stay up for the life of him and everytime he'd fall down he'd say SIT ... We thought we were hearing a different not so good word and were worried he'd learned to cuss already but then remembered we always tell him to SIT in the tub. What a relief
We also put Az is a bouncy seat for the first time today not knowing how Micah would react to him and he gave him hugs and even brought him his blankey it was def adorable. Micah is turning out to be a very sweet big brother and I am VERY pleased knowing that.
The boys also got to meet their Aunt Becca and soon to be Uncle Ryan today and both seem to like her just fine. It took Micah a while to warm up but was bringing her toys by night time, that's Micah's way of saying I like you.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bath time chattering
Micah just got out of the bath tub and while he's freezing trying to warm up he is just talking away chattering teeth and all. Earlier I was getting ready to head out to the store and Micah came up and said go with mama go with ... Can anyone turn down such a sweet little guy talking so well? not me at least not tonight so we had a mommy micah shopping date... he was a little angel just sucked his thumb and held onto blankey the whole time. He's also discovered that the light switch by his crib turns on the closet light so he gives himself a night light too cute. I know later I will regret thinking that was cute but right now it still is.
learning to snuggle
Micah has NEVER really been a cuddly little boy but ever since he got a new baby brother he's decided he likes to have attention too. So we are SLOWLY working on cuddling I know it sounds CRAZY but we seriously have to work with him a little bit at a time. The other day Daddy watched Baby Einstein with him and had to constantly keep him distracted just to sit in his lap. Last night he did a little better he watched our normal Monday night line up of shows with us in daddy's lap and did really well so there may be hope yet. We are working on smiles with Az. He's given a few but were not sure if they were on purpose yet.
We FINALLY got the boys pics done. We did a family pic and individual's of the boys for their 1 month and 1 year . That was def an experience both boys were screaming for MOST of the shoot yet we were able to get a FEW good pics. we were going to do the boys together YEA that was NOT happening that night. We'll try again in the Spring for Easter when Az can fend for himself a little better.
We FINALLY got the boys pics done. We did a family pic and individual's of the boys for their 1 month and 1 year . That was def an experience both boys were screaming for MOST of the shoot yet we were able to get a FEW good pics. we were going to do the boys together YEA that was NOT happening that night. We'll try again in the Spring for Easter when Az can fend for himself a little better.
Recent Happenings
We have successfully survived the 1st month of 2 boys. My mom came and stayed with us for 2 weeks. I DID not want her to leave and we terrified but I think I've managed pretty well. It helps to have 2 GREAT little boys. We have survived going to the grocery store just the 3 of us and everything. Last night the 4 of us even went out to dinner and both boys did great.
A few weeks ago we went to Grand Junction to see my brother and sis in law and sweet niece Jolie the ONLY girl so far in the Trinklein gang. She is just a doll and likes her Aunt Carley so OF course I just ate her up. We also got to show Az to everyone in GJ all his Aunts and Uncle's and Great Grandparents. It was a GREAT trip. Micah did get sick and Tom came home before we did and got sick but that kind of thing happens. I was able to see a few friends and spend the whole week with my sis in law I don't get to see very often. We went and visited Aunt Helen and I got an old Japanese fan and geisha doll that mean a lot to me so I was VERY happy about that. Then at the end of our stay I drove both boys home BY MYSELF. We stopped and visited Gpa Tom and Gran in Montrose on the way and then had daddy meet us in Salida to finish the trip. Unfortunately i don't have any pics to share ...
A few weeks ago we went to Grand Junction to see my brother and sis in law and sweet niece Jolie the ONLY girl so far in the Trinklein gang. She is just a doll and likes her Aunt Carley so OF course I just ate her up. We also got to show Az to everyone in GJ all his Aunts and Uncle's and Great Grandparents. It was a GREAT trip. Micah did get sick and Tom came home before we did and got sick but that kind of thing happens. I was able to see a few friends and spend the whole week with my sis in law I don't get to see very often. We went and visited Aunt Helen and I got an old Japanese fan and geisha doll that mean a lot to me so I was VERY happy about that. Then at the end of our stay I drove both boys home BY MYSELF. We stopped and visited Gpa Tom and Gran in Montrose on the way and then had daddy meet us in Salida to finish the trip. Unfortunately i don't have any pics to share ...
My two monkey's
For Halloween this year we had not one but 2 monkey's they we SO cute. We went down town with a friend to the trunk or treat my first outing with the boys. It went pretty well Micah was a little fussy because of the sun in his eyes but I think he enjoyed himself. Az just slept in the snuggly. Later that night once daddy got home we took the boys around to the neighbors houses to show them off.
Arrival of Azariah Thomas
We are VERY proud to announce the birth of our 2nd son AZARIAH THOMAS KUGLER.
He was born Oct 12, 2009 at 9:22am weighed 6lbs 14oz and was 19 inches long. He actually looks like his mommy which I am VERY excited about. My mom was able to come this time and be in the room when he was born which I was VERY excited about and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it as well. This time ALL the grand parents got to meet him the same day he was born, My dad kept Micah and then brought him up to meet him and Gloria and my mom were at the hospital when he was born and Paul came up after he got off of work. Az def knew he was loved the DAY he was born we had a few friends come visit us and family of course.
Micah wasn't too sure about him in the beginning all he wanted to do was steal his blanket cause it looked like his. He still thinks brother's blankey is best but quickly gives it back when asked. He's not too keen on holding brother but likes to check in on him from time to time. Tom and I couldn't be happier with our two sweet boys.
Micah's 1st birthday
Micah is now 1 year old... we had his party at a local park with a few of our friends and Gwah and Papa ( Tom's parents) Micah stood up in the middle of all of us while opening his presents but NO one got a picture of it because we all so SHOCKED. He had a blast he loved his monkey cake and had gwah clean his hands just about every bite. He does not like to be dirty.

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