This outfit was also Uncle Eric's when he was a baby and since we all think he looks the most like Eric out of the relatives I thought I'd post this pic.

My sleeping baby so precious

Hanging out with Aunt Becca on Christmas Eve
We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with Tom's family this year. We had the traditional opening presents on Christmas Eve and I think Micah maybe made it through of his presents before he wanted to go to sleep. On Christmas Tom's Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tim, Cousin Josh and his family came over and we had some lunch. And Tom's grandma Wood came and met Micah for the first time and he just ate up having grandma time.

talking to Grandma Gloria

For New years we went over to our Friends house and then woke up early the next morning for Bonnie and Gpa Bill's ( aka Bumpa's) house. Micah decided that he likes to watch football with Grandpa Bill he just didn't care for the team he picked but it was pretty funny to watch Micah watch his first football game. He also met My Aunt Helen for the first time since Micah and I decided to stick around for an extra week and see everyone.

He is slowly learning how to sit up and doing better and better with it

Good quality daddy time

Micah's absolute favorite thing to do is to be up in the air above everyone else and squeals and kicks his legs and thinks it's the greastest thing ever.

Daddy wore him out. I swear that child will sleep anywhere. He LOVES nap time

back at home. sweet moments with daddy

Micah got a new jumper for Christmas that he LOVES but isn't quite tall enough for it yet so we just put a blanket under and he has a great time.

He jumped so much that he fell asleep

Micah is 4 months old now I can't hardly believe it. He is almost 13 lbs and just about 24 inches long. Meaning he wears 6-9 jammies for the length but the rest are VERY baggy. They also said developmentally he's about 7 months old. Too smart for his own good.
Sorry it's been so long since I wrote. I started a new coorespondance course for Medical Transcriptioning and hope to have it completed by June.
Micah just learned to roll from his back to his tummy but will mostly only do it if he thinks no one else is watching. he has almost mastered sitting up and I still think he's just going to start full on crawling one of these days without warning.
Micah will have his first plane ride in a few weeks, we are going to Uncle Jason's Graduation which we are all very excited about. Then we'll be home for a few weeks and off to GJ for 3 weeks for Tom's training which I am VERY excited about because I miss my family terribly so getting to see all of them in 1 month is just WONDERFUL.
We'll it's time for me to get Mr. Micah out of bed and ready for the day so I hope everyone is doing well.
I'll try and update you more frequently.